One to One, Immersion Retreats, Public Courses and Events
We offer support for children from 5 to 18. This can be with parents present or not.
Examples of childhood issues around relationships, bullying, anxiety, low self esteem, school refusal can all be addressed through this simple understanding.
We have a huge amount of experience and success in helping children free themselves from these problems. We have had complete transformations in the space of an hour session.
The work is tailored to the individuals needs.

We offer bespoke trainings for school staff. We can work with specific groups eg. teachers, or whole school staff, as well as groups of children.
Given the highly stressful environment in which staff are working this understanding helps individuals gain a differrent perspective of the stressors (like Ofsted, data, planning, making etc) … and this changes everything

We offer one to one sessions with adults as well as work with couples. We can help you address personal issues, depression, other forms of anxiety as well as relationships with partners.
Unlike many of the talking therapies, learning about the three principles does not involve you in going back in time,raking over traumatic events or reliving childhood problems.
In learning about how it is we work as a human being changes everything,for the better!

Immersion Retreats
For those people who want to experience this understanding at a deeper level we also offer immersion retreats that can run over two or three days.
We are able to provide comfortable accommodation that is set in beautiful countryside and with a huge tranquil garden that has a stream running through it. The perfect place to be able to reflect on the learning of the day.
We also have a local pub within walking distance!